Tales of a Winterman April 13

Our Winter caretaker, Jacques Lussier, has been onsite since late October, watching over the lodge and sharing his observations of his adventure. Here is his latest-

“The spring thaw is underway as every day gets longer and the sun rising higher in the sky. I’ve been lately getting lows in the minus twenties at night so in the morning the snow is crunchy and with a little wind, I still have to bundle up for my early morning walk. I have one week remaining in camp before I relay over to Kevin and I return to the world of human hustle and bustle. So I’m busy wrapping it up here as my caretaker duties come to an end. I savor every moment and reflect with a bit of astonishment how quickly the past six months have flashed by like in a dream.

The boats lay dormant on the snowy beach in waiting… ”