Common Mistakes To Avoid on Your Fishing Trip to Canada

Common Mistakes To Avoid on Your Fishing Retreat in Canada

Manitoba, Canada offers some of the best opportunities for the fishing trip of a lifetime. Make the most of your trip by knowing these common mistakes to avoid on your next fishing retreat to Canada.

Overpacking and Exceeding Plane Weight Limit

Enthusiasm is great, but overpacking isn’t. Yes, you heard it right. Exceeding plane weight limits is one of the most common blunders committed by eager anglers. Overpacking not only poses a safety risk but can also lead to additional charges. Pack smart, pack light. Remember, Gangler’s North Seal River Lodge can provide all the essential loaner fishing gear you’ll need at the lodge and offers a fully-stocked tackle shop . They also feature on-site laundry services and their outposts offer free use of on-site laundry facilities.

Forgetting Passports and a Canadian Fishing License

Imagine getting to the airport in the US and discovering you forgot your passport. Traveling from the US to Canada and back requires this essential document. Also, did you remember to order and pay for your Canadian fishing license? Most Canadian licenses are now only available online so you need to purchase yours in advance before coming North to Canada.

Exceeding Catch Limits and Practicing Sound Catch and Release

Respect for nature is paramount. Exceeding fishing limits isn’t just irresponsible; it’s illegal. Don’t be that person. Canada and especially the province of Manitoba has been a pioneer in Catch and Release fishing and slot limits for years. Great sustainable policies keep the waters teeming with life for future generations to enjoy.

Your guides and staff at Gangler’s North Seal River Lodge, home to the top Manitoba fishing lodges, will keep you informed of the rules while ensuring you have the best chance to catch trophy fish and maybe even complete a Canadian Grand slam from your base at our main lodge or one of our deluxe outposts.

Failing To Take Advantage of a Digital Detox Opportunity

It’s called a “retreat” for a reason. You’ve spent a lot of money to get about as far away from it all as you can get. Don’t miss the wonders of the Canadian Sub-arctic by checking your phone constantly or sitting inside at night going down internet rabbit holes. You could be outside viewing the most breathtaking starry sky you’ve ever seen, or even catching a glimpse of the Northern lights.

Your Canadian fishing retreat is more than just a chance for a world-class fishing experience. It’s a golden opportunity for a digital detox. Failing to take advantage of this is a mistake you don’t want to make. Disconnect from your devices and reconnect with nature. The peace, and tranquility of the Canadian wilderness are far more captivating than any screen.

Avoiding these common mistakes on your fishing retreat in Canada can be the key to making your time in Manitoba a truly unforgettable, and also responsible, wilderness experience.