The Best Northern Pike Fishing

The best Trophy Northern Pike fishing trip experiences come from the best outfitter in Canada, Gangler’s. Our Manitoba Northern Pike fishery offers size and quantity, with over a thousand Master Anglers and trophies up to 53″ caught annually. Average size of fish caught here is 5-12 lbs. and numbers can easily exceed over 100 a day per boat. The North Seal offers the ideal mix of pike habitat, with rivers, clear bays and big cabbage beds where these fish wait in ambush for unlucky baitfish. The Manitoba record for Master Anglers in one day was caught on the North Seal.

Explore the vast North Seal area in Manitoba, Canada—a paradise for big Northern Pike fishing—at Gangler’s Fly-In Lodges and Outposts. These lodges and outposts are in a remote region renowned for its stunning natural beauty and abundant waters, making it an angler’s dream come true. Our trophy fishing for Northern Pike offers an unrivaled experience that keeps anglers returning year after year to repeat the thrill of battling a big Northern Pike. For the epitome of Northern Pike fishing, Manitoba offers a unique combination of pristine wilderness and plentiful fish populations. Embark on your Canadian pike fishing adventure with us and discover the magic of the North Seal area.

It’s the most magnificent lodge I’ve seen in Western Canada’s wilderness. The food is unbelievable, top-flight guides, and with many different lakes to fish. This is the best location I’ve seen for flyfishing for big pike

person standing in the water fly fishing

Time of Year and

Water Temps

Our season opens at the beginning of June and closes in September. Trophy Northern Pike fishing is affected by seasonal changes in the species’ movement patterns, which vary during the course of the year and can happen fairly rapidly. But the mouths of rivers provide great Canadian Pike fishing throughout the season.


Trophy Species

Because the North Seal river system connects twelve river systems and over a hundred lakes together, we benefit as all species are moving throughout the system. All of our camps have the 4 species of the Canadian Grand Slam plus others like whitefish and burbot. We can guide you in catching these trophy fish on any of our camps.

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