Beam Us to Bain, Scotty!

The ecletic crew of Mitch Goldsmith, Biz Brackett, Jamie Summerfelt, and Sam Hawtree have Bain Lake dialed in and catch it all – big pike, big lakers, great size walleye over 30” and arctic grayling. They are fishaholics who have fished many areas around the world but have one destination they come back to year after year-  our outpost on Bain Lake. This group has really mastered the art of fishing the large and labryinth-like waters of Bain and they consistently produce great catches every year. They have fished Bain early June, mid September, and enjoyed them all but their favorite time is without a doubt mid July thru mid August.

As you can see by the their Trekie garb, having fun is a key to their visits ! We first met them when we opened the North Seal 28 years ago. Times were quite different then as the guys flew on our charter with us. Biz, a private pilot, eventually started to come up in his private 4 seater Piper. Now, many years later, the group has the luxury of traveling in Biz’s PC-12. A great way to travel.

They are the quintessential group of good friends whom their annual fishing trips are as much about their deep years long friendship and camaraderie as it is their excellent catches. And great Scotch is always present ! These are the same crazies who years ago presented us with a video of a small remote controlled-boat towing a spoon getting tormented all over Bain by super-aggressive pike. It was an absolutely hilarious segment of insanity! (see the accompanying story)

So if you come to Ganglers mid season, and see a PC-12 parked on the side of our runway, you’ll know this crazy group is back again at one of their favorite haunts- Bain Lake!