The Craziest Shore Lunch Ever!
The Texan’s 2024 Family Trip Part 2

Guest Jeff Swift landed this hefty 42” pike while shore fishing, awaiting the family’s shore lunch.
(This fish was released to fight another day!)

Our last email featured Claire Swift, a two time Ganglers guest who shared a great perspective of her experience at Gangler’s. That experience was shared with husband Jeff and son Harrison who also had several awesome trophies. The family is VERY competitive and bragging rights are important! The numbers were neck and neck and after several really nice pike were landed. Claire was not to be outdone and topped him days later with a hefty 44”.

Another great highlight to their trip was Jeff and son Harrison took turns reeling in a 38” trophy laker on Blackfish Lake.

The frosting on the cake was the family journeying to one of our flyouts we just reopened and catching and releasing over 300 walleyes in one day. Amazing!

Trophy fish, hundreds of fish, Northern Lights, wolves, an incredible shared family experience ! A great time, great people and we look forward to their return in 2025.