Tales of a Winterman – March 22, 2021

Well they don’t call it the first day of spring for nothing. Forget about April showers, I’ve got rain in the forecast and it was minus three degrees at 6 am this morning. Yesterday I reached a high of 10 celcius and with a wind from the south-east the snow on the rooftops is melting considerably. My oil heater is shut off inside the cabin and I have the windows open, I can actually hear the drip drip of water from the eaves. I would leave the door open but there is a mischievous little marten that I know would try to sneak in.

The northern lights have become a regular occurrence, practically every night since my last blog a week ago. The colors are increasing in intensity and the duration is longer. One night I thought there were headlights from a snowmobile the sky was so bright.


Foxy is still a regular visitor and sort of a permanent resident. Sometimes even curls up on a snow bank beside the cabin to have a nap. After an absence of a few days she/he appeared looking pretty rough and wobbly. I suspect maybe an encounter with wolves? I haven’t seen any yet but I discovered some grayish fur on the runway which I guessed to be from a wolf. I sure hope to have a sighting before leaving camp.

Happy Equinox to everyone!