Limited Early Season Openings Available

Doc Chianelli with the giant of 2024, 51.25″

Our opening and tremendous spring fishing is approaching quickly ! DON’T MISS OUT ! We still have a few great openings at the main lodge and outposts in June and early July. Get your chance to enjoy the early season, shallow water visual pike fishing EVERYONE is crazy for !

We are also offering some great incentives on many of these trips.

North Seal River Lodge-  

4 Day trip         June 12-16   2-8 spots; June 21-25 2 spots; July 3-7   2 spots

5 Day trip        June 7-12  2 spots; June 16-21 4-6 spots; July 7-12  2 spots

7 Day trip        June 7-14   2-8 spots; June 14-21   2-4 spots; June 28-July 5  2-4 spots

 Maria Lake mini-lodge-

June 7-14                     2 spots

June 14-21                   2 spots

June 28- July 5            2-6 spots

Bain Lake Outpost-

June 28-July 5             2-4 spots

July 5-12                       2-6 spots

Clifton Lake Outpost-

June 28-July 5          2-4 spots