Great Spots and Deals for 2022 Fishing Trip!

The time is near, as we get back to the Canadian fishing we all love. Our prime waters have sat literally un-fished for over two years. Over 6,000,000 acres! Don’t miss another year! Give us a call or email and grab one of these last remaining spots! We have some new dates too that just opened and so please check out the list below –

Here are some of the great spots still available-

North Seal River Lodge:  

  • 7 Days July 9-16 (2-6 open);
  • 8 Days   July 24-Aug. 1 (2 open), Aug. 1-9 (4-8 spots);
  • 4 Days   June 25-29 (4-8 spots);  Aug. 9-13 (2 spots); Aug. 13-17 (2-8 spots), Aug. 17-21 (4-8 spots)

Maria Lake:   July 9-16  (2-4 open): July 16-20 4 Days (2 open); Aug. 17-26 (2 open)

Stevens/Nicklin:  July 16-24 (4-8 open), Aug. 1-9  (4 open)

Burnie Lake:  July 9-16 (2-8 open); July 28-Aug 5 (2-4 open); Aug. 5-13 (2-6 open), Aug. 13-21 (2-4 open)

Bain Lake:  July 9-16 (2-8 open), Aug. 5-13 (2-4 open), Aug. 13-21 (2-4 open)

We also have select openings still available for the August North Seal/Churchill adventures and the Fall Laker excursions, including Sept. 7-11 at the main lodge. Don’t let ANOTHER  year fall by the wayside, you still have time to schedule and enjoy  a sensational trip to Ganglers.