The variety, quantity and quality make the North Seal the best Canadian destination for fly-fishing I have ever been to
Arctic Grayling Fishing
Twelve river systems with miles and miles of river make for Manitoba’s finest grayling habitat. Enriched boulder-laden with strong flow, it is the perfect habitat for world-class Arctic grayling. Most rivers are easily accessible and wading is not usually required. The bug hatches are tremendous and make the grayling here fat as they gorge themselves. North Seal grayling are beautiful, with a purplish gunmetal hue to their bodies, and fins painted pink, purple and blue, each Nature’s finest watercolor. The waters here can wow even the most experienced fly-fishermen. The largest grayling ever caught here was 24″ and 14-18″ fish are the norm, making the North Seal River the finest destination for trophy grayling fishing.
When you fish with Gangler’s, you’ll have easy access to the rivers for tremendous grayling fishing. For the finest Arctic grayling fishing experience in Canada, book with us today.

Time of year and
Water Temps

Smaller grayling are feeding on nymphs and zooplankton. The larger fish are feeding on eggs, baby fish and whatever is hatching above water. Mid to late June, weeds start growing in the shallow areas, the water begins to warm and the grayling line the banks of the rivers feeding on caddis, mayflies, ants and terrestrials. Early July to beginning of August the water is warm and smaller fish can still be found in the shallow areas.
June Grayling Patterns
Start Arctic grayling fishing with nymphs, dry flies, or small spinners. The fish are abundant in these waters and eager to devour your offerings.
July Grayling Patterns
Grayling are in the rivers, easy to access after water levels stabilize. Bug hatches (the good ones) are tremendous. Lots of Caddis, mayflies and mosquitoes. Fish are literally right in front of you everywhere off the rocky shore.
August Grayling Patterns
River levels are stable, bug hatches crazy and Grayling are at their peak feeding, smashing any dry fly or nymph that happens their way. This makes August a very productive time to fly fish for grayling.
September Grayling Patterns
Arctic grayling fishing continues with the same consistency from August. They are feeding for winter now.
Trophy Species
Because the North Seal river system connects all of the lake together, we benefit in having all species moving throughout the system.
Flyfishing General fly advise
June – August
The most successful fly from June – August is #12 caddis to #8. The Bigger the fly sometimes produces the bigger Grayling.
July to August
Another favorite from July to August is the green sparkly Chernobyl ant. If you can tie this or buy this, you will catch lots of Grayling.
All Nymph drops
These work as well but minnow streamers and dry flys work best for the big bombers.